Co Curricular

Falcons String Quintet Strike A Chord

10th February 20

On Tuesday, five dedicated and talented young musicians – the Falcons String Quintet – took the stage at Kings College Wimbledon to perform in the Pro Corda national chamber music festival. Jemima and Catherine (Year 4) and Sofia, Lamya and Grace (Year 5), the youngest performers in the competition, played three pieces as the Falcons Quintet, where pupils were required to play their own individual part and lead the ensemble without a conductor. The girls received excellent feedback from the adjudicator and impressed their families and friends with their musicianship, polished sound, ensemble skills and teamwork. I am thrilled to announce that the quintet has made it through to the semi-finals for the under 12 category! You have proven to be dedicated, committed and passionate musicians. Congratulations Falcons Quintet!

Miss Lang, Music Lead

This year’s Children Wellbeing Week has been fun, thought-provoking and a wonderful learning experience for all. Each of us (including staff) picked a ‘buddy’ from a hat at the start of the week and in true Peregrines and Falcons fashion, focused on strengthening friendships, looking out for each other and offering and receiving words of support and encouragement.

This year’s Wellbeing theme was ‘Find your Brave’ and it has resonated with both staff and children. We had a most uplifting assembly on Tuesday—led by our amazing Year 6 girls—reminding us that we all have it in us to be brave even at the most difficult of times. The assembly ended with the catchy ‘Wellbeing Rap’, composed by the Year 4 girls when they were in Year 3 and which we all now know off by heart.

From classrooms all over the school came the sounds of meditative music, gentle yoga and mindfulness exercises. Additionally, children have been enjoying ‘wellbeing activities’ at lunch time, such as mindfulness colouring, filling a jar with wishes, sending love to those we care for by paper aeroplane, as well as some fun and uplifting sports activities.

Thursday was Inside Out Day, where we got to wear an item of clothing inside out to help us understand how uncomfortable some people feel a lot of the time and empathise with them.
The one thing we have all learnt is that ‘Finding our Brave’ does not end with our Wellbeing Week. It is something we will treasure and nurture for the rest of the year and beyond.

Miss Maggie and Mr Addis, Wellbeing Champions

On Tuesday 4th February, Years 2, 3 and 4 went to the Saatchi Gallery to view the Tutankhamun Exhibition. The children learnt who discovered the mighty Pharaoh’s tomb and explored all of the jewellery that was buried with him. They learnt facts about Tutankhamun and ancient Egypt such as he came to the throne when he was nine years old and died when he was 19 years old. The children were buzzing once they had visited the exhibition, and so would recommend for you to go if you ever get the chance.

Miss Bailey, Year 3 Teacher


Click here to find out more about Peregrines Nursery School and Falcons School for Girls Open Days.