Co Curricular

Have Ewe Seen What Falcons Have Been Up To?

2nd December 19

Design and Technology day

This week, Year 6 have been using emotive language to empathise with soldiers from WW1. Using figurative language and inference to describe scenes from the trenches, they produced some truly wonderful written work. The pictures show the girls in action as they recreated the memorable Christmas Day scene from WW1. Reading copies of some of the original letters from this time caused the children to ask some really thought provoking questions. I can’t wait to read their final written pieces, titled ‘Letters from the Front Line’.

Mrs Dunning, English Lead

As part of the PFA’s annual decoration of a Christmas tree at St Margaret’s Church, Putney, all children decorated a sheep to match this year’s theme ‘While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks By Night’. Our pupils made a fantastic effort with an incredible array of materials and colours used across all year groups.

Sheep St Margarets Church PutneySheep St Margarets Church Putney

To celebrate Design and Technology Day, all of the pupils created their own felt decorations for the Falcons trees.

Children in EYFS and Year 1 produced mini stockings with Santa, reindeer and Christmas tree designs.

Years 2-6 chose from various templates and an abundance of ribbon, threat, buttons and sequins. They stuffed their decorations before sewing carefully around the outside. Well done to all the girls on an excellent display of festive creativity!

All of the fabulous decorations will certainly look beautiful on the Falcons trees in the run-up to Christmas!

design and technology dayDesign and Technology day


Click here to find out more about Peregrines Nursery School and Falcons School for Girls Open Days.