Nursery Fees


Mini & Little Peris (aged 2 – 3): 

Five Core Mornings (8.30am-12.30pm, including lunch): £3,230 / term

Five Core Days (8.30am-3.30pm): £5,360 / term

Three Core Days (8.30am-3.30pm): £3,210 / term

Minimum attendance: Five Morning Sessions or three Core Days.


Big Peris (Pre-Reception, aged 3-4):

Four Core Days (8.30am-3.30pm, including lunch): £4,165 / term

Five Core Days (8.30am-3.30pm): £5,210 / term

Minimum attendance: Four Core Days in the Autumn and Spring Terms and five Core Days in the Summer Term.


Additional Information

Wraparound Care: We are open from 7.30am to 6.00pm, for 49/52 weeks of the year.

Please contact for full details of our Wraparound Care fees.


Holiday Club: Five Core Days (8.30am – 3.30pm)

Mini & Little Peris: £ 360/week

Big Peris – Year 4: £340/week


For further information contact 


Funding Entitlements

We currently offer the 15 hours Universal Funding provided by the Local Authority in Wandsworth which is available to all parents from the term after their child turns three.

If eligible, parents can also claim for 30 hours free childcare.

Additionally, if eligible, parents can now also claim 15 hours free childcare for 2 year old children.

For further information and to claim eligibility, please see

Please note that the Nursery is registered in the name of Falcons School.

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