13th May 19
To celebrate Well-being Week at Falcons School for Girls, pupils and staff enjoyed a week of activities concentrating on well-being and looking after ourselves. The activities ranged from: picking a buddy to look after all week, both for the staff and pupils, to daily mindfulness and yoga sessions, and teaching each other new tricks (skipping/keep me-ups) in the playground. The pupils also looked at how keeping active releases positive endorphins.
Drama classes in the Pre-Prep section of the school embraced Well-being Week through looking at stories and feelings: in Pre-Reception, they met a mouse who rescued the forest from the Selfish Crocodile by being kind; in Reception, they restored the Queen’s smile by removing her baby from the clutches of the scheming Rumpelstiltskin; and in Year 1 and Year 2, they explored how through friendship, invitations to play and general jolliness, they might help a friend out of a sad slump.
The Year 3 pupils really embraced Well-being week, when during their Music Technology lesson the class got to work to compose a rap song about well-being and looking after each other. Using Garageband, the girls recorded, arranged and edited a range of synthesizers, drum machines and sound effects to bring their rap song to life. The class were thrilled with their composition and delighted the school with a performance at the Well-being assembly led by the Year 6 Peer Monitors.
We hope that these lessons learnt will continue throughout the year, to help make the school an even happier place for all!