Welcome to Peregrines Nursery School!

15th September 21

Two Peregrines Nursery girls sitting on a bench with steering wheels in the Forest School

What an amazing start to the term we have had at Peregrines Nursery! This Autumn Term we have welcomed lots of new friends to our Nursery and are so proud of how they have settled in so beautifully. The first few weeks of term have been all about the Early Years teachers getting to know the children, their likes and what they enjoy playing with. We ensure that we provide the space and flexibility with our routine so that the children are given the freedom to explore and get to know their new surroundings whilst developing relationships with their teachers and peers.

Our current Peris are the best at welcoming new children and love to show new pupils around our Nursery. The Little and Big Peris have had so much fun playing together in the late September sunshine, and we have been making the most of our spacious garden and taking the learning outside. There was art, storytelling, water play, games and lots more! We can’t wait to see where the rest of the Autumn Term takes us!

Welcome to Peregrines Nursery School!

Young Peregrines Nursery girl with a sign that reads Peregrines Nursery Day 1 Young Peregrines Nursery boy with a sign that reads Peregrines Nursery Day 1


Forest School Fun

Two Peregrines Nursery girls sitting on a bench with steering wheels in the Forest SchoolYoung Peregrines Nursery pupil smiling in the trees


Outdoor Learning

Peregrines Nursery girl playing with bike in playground Young Peregrines Nursery girl walking through a brightly coloured tunnel Young Peregrines Nursery children sitting down to draw on the playground floor

Click here to find out more about private tours at Peregrines Nursery School and Falcons School for Girls.