Co Curricular

Falcons Skip Ahead For Sport Relief

16th March 20

World Book Day Potato Parade

On Friday 6th March, Falcons Girls took eight Year 5 and 6 finalists from our internal Latin Reading Competition to compete against the boys at Tower House. The Year 5 finalists were Lucy B, Summer, Evie and Lily and the Year 6 finalists were Bea, Claudia, Calla and Arabella. All our finalists performed superbly and were marked on their accuracy, pace and dramatic content. I am delighted to announce that Claudia came second in the Year 6 category and Evie was the winner in the Year 5 category. You can listen to their performances on the Latin Firefly page.

Mrs Price, Deputy Head and Latin Teacher

Latin Reading With Tower House

On Monday, Falcons Girls from Year 2 through to Year 6 paraded their World Book Day potatoes. All pupils and staff stood in a circle in the playground and each year group walked in turn around the circle to show off their potato creations. From Paddington Bear to Winnie the Pooh, Minions to Shaun the Sheep, we were treated to a beautiful array of characters from children’s literature and beyond. With the girls deciding they would like to continue this new, eco-friendly tradition, we look forward to seeing what they produce next year!World Book Day Potato Parade


We had an action-packed week for Sport Relief at Falcons and Peregrines. It started on Monday with the skip-a-thon where the children in Early Years took part in a fun circuit whilst pupils in Year 1 to 6 enjoyed some skipping workshops before completing their skipping challenge. Pupils tried French skipping, large skip and individual skipping with lots demonstrating some excellent skills and speed. Other activities involved pupils trying a variety of sports during lunch breaks, Years 5 and 6 playing netball against their parents, a sweepstake for pupils and staff, and Year 3 hockey match against Prospect House.

Miss Walters, PE and Games Lead

Falcons Skipathon Sport Relief



Click here to find out more about Peregrines Nursery School and Falcons School for Girls Open Days.