‘Living with Autism’ an assembly at Falcons with Robyn Steward

25th April 19

The excitement of the Summer Term started as soon as the pupils returned to school when a visiting speaker, Robyn Steward, ran an assembly on ‘Living with Autism’. Robyn is a well known speaker and educator who tours the world delivering workshops and lectures on ‘Living with Autism’. She spoke to the pupils about what it is like to live with a disability, the importance of being kind to others and believing that you can make your life a success.

Below you can read what two of our Year 6 pupils thought of the assembly.

‘On Wednesday 24th April, we had a special assembly where a lady called Robyn came to the school to talk to us about the challenges she faces in living with 10 disabilities, one of which is autism. She told us about her experiences of being bullied at school for being different because people didn’t understand her and her needs. Now she travels the world playing music and visiting schools, educating children and staff about autism. Her autism makes it difficult for her to read music, so she creates it in her own way and she gave us some examples of this on her trumpet. People see autism as just a disability but she said it was a gift and it makes her proud of who she is. The assembly confirmed our belief in being kind to everyone and not judging people before you actually know them’.

Margot and Natalie 

Year 6