14th March 19
What a fantastic Book Week we had! The week kicked off with a visit from up and coming author and illustrator, Bryony Thomson. Bryony, known for her book ‘The Wardrobe Monster’, read her story to the Early Years pupils’ before helping them to draw the school’s own ‘Falcons’ Monster’ – ‘Mrs Bear’. For the older pupils, Bryony shared an insight into how she became an illustrator and the interesting story of where the idea for her book came from, revealing that the boarding school which she attended was her inspiration. Bryony also taught the children key illustration techniques, helping them to create their own monsters by working on story and character design. Bryony’s final job was to pick the winners of our fact file poster competition.
On the Wednesday we hosted our inaugural Inter-house ‘Performance Poetry’ competition with a theme of ‘Humour’. Pupils wrote their own poems to perform or performed someone else’s, and were judged for their engagement with the audience whilst performing and highly-commended with extra merit for writing their own poems. The whole school enjoyed performances of poems such as ‘My Teacher Ate My Homework’ by Kenn Nesbitt, and ‘Octoshocker’ by E.E. Cummings, and a new piece ‘Emberella’ written by Year 6 pupil, Milly Coburn.
We also enjoyed our book character parade. This year, the school’s ‘Eco Warriors’ proposed an environmentally-friendly theme, encouraging both pupils and staff members to dress in costumes that were either recycled in some way, re-used or made from scratch at home. There were a number of book characters floating around the school, with some being more popular than others.
To finish off the week, the older children visited the younger pupils to share a story which was a lovely way to bring a fantastic week to a close.