1st March 19
We were very proud of our 14 talented gymnasts who represented the school at the Prior Fields Gymnastic Competition. Seven of the pupils competed in the Under 10 category and the remaining pupils competed in the Under 12 category. The girls had to perform a number of gymnastic moves from the simple forward roll to a more complex routine involving cartwheels, cat leaps, straddles and falling backward roll whilst displaying perfectly pointed toes, straight legs, where applicable, and poise. The girls abilities were also tested on the equipment to see who could perform a straddle over on the vault whilst still being in control.
All of the pupils showed incredible focus throughout the event and a great team spirit but special congratulations must go to; Alexandra and Natalie both Year 6, who came 1st and 4th respectively, in the U12 beginner’s floor category and Harper, Year 4, who finished 3rd in the U10 beginner’s floor.